Filigran-UI Installation and Setup for Tailwind CSS Projects

This tutorial will show you how to install Filigran-UI and integrate it with an existing Tailwind CSS setup, allowing you to use the full power of both libraries.

1. Install Filigran-UI

First, you need to install the Filigran-UI library. Run the following command to add it to your project:

npm install filigran-ui

or if you're using yarn:

yarn add filigran-ui

2. Configure Tailwind CSS

To integrate Filigran-UI with Tailwind CSS, you'll need to configure your tailwind.config.js file. Filigran-UI provides a plugin that extends Tailwind’s functionality with additional components, styles, and utilities.

Update tailwind.config.js Add the Filigran-UI plugin to your Tailwind configuration. Include the Filigran-UI components in the content array, so Tailwind can purge unused styles correctly. Here’s an example of what your tailwind.config.js should look like:

const FiligranUIPlugin = require('filigran-ui/plugin');

module.exports = {
darkMode: ['class'], // Supports dark mode using class-based approach
content: [
'./node_modules/filigran-ui/dist/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}', // Include Filigran-UI components
plugins: [
require('tailwindcss-animate'), // Optional: Additional Tailwind plugins you might use
FiligranUIPlugin(), // Add Filigran-UI plugin

This configuration allows your project to pick up all the styles and classes provided by Filigran-UI, while maintaining compatibility with Tailwind.

3. Import Filigran-UI Theme Styles

To ensure that your project applies the Filigran-UI theme correctly, you need to import the Filigran-UI theme CSS in your index.tsx or index.js file.

Update index.tsx or index.js Add the following import statement to your entry file:

import "filigran-ui/theme.css";

This will load the necessary theme-related styles for your components to render properly with Tailwind’s theme.

##4. Using Filigran-UI Components Now that Filigran-UI is set up, you can start using the components in your React project alongside Tailwind CSS utilities. Here’s how to use a button component:

import { Button } from "filigran-ui";

function App() {
return (

export default App;

Since you’re using Tailwind, you can apply Tailwind’s utility classes alongside the Filigran-UI components to further customize the design.

5. Special Setup for Next.js or SSR

If your project is built using Next.js or requires Server-Side Rendering (SSR), you can take advantage of Filigran-UI’s optimized server and client components.

Server-Side Rendering Components To use components on the server, import from "filigran-ui/servers":

import { Button } from "filigran-ui/servers";

Client-Side Components For interactive components that need to run on the client, import from "filigran-ui/clients":

import { Combobox } from "filigran-ui/clients";

This ensures that your components are properly handled in Next.js or other SSR frameworks.

6. Conclusion

By following these steps, you’ve successfully installed and configured Filigran-UI in your Tailwind CSS project. You now have access to Filigran-UI’s powerful and flexible components while keeping the full capabilities of the Tailwind CSS system. You can further customize the components with Tailwind utilities as needed.

Feel free to explore more components and make use of the design system in your project to improve consistency and efficiency.