Alert Dialog example

How to use this alerDialog



defaultOpenboolean-The open state of the dialog when it is initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control its open state.
openboolean-The controlled open state of the dialog. Must be used in conjunction with onOpenChange.
onOpenChange(open: boolean) => void-Event handler called when the open state of the dialog changes.


asChildbooleanfalseChange the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior.


asChildbooleanfalseChange the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior.
forceMountboolean-Used to force mounting when more control is needed. Useful when controlling animation with React animation libraries. It inherits from AlertDialog.Portal.
onOpenAutoFocus(event: Event) => void-Event handler called when focus moves to the destructive action after opening. It can be prevented by calling event.preventDefault.
onCloseAutoFocus(event: Event) => void-Event handler called when focus moves to the trigger after closing. It can be prevented by calling event.preventDefault.
onEscapeKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) => void-Event handler called when the escape key is down. It can be prevented by calling event.preventDefault.


Import from filigran-ui :

Import {AlertDialog, AlertDialogTrigger, AlertDialogContent, AlertDialogHeader, AlertDialogTitle, AlertDialogDescription, AlertDialogFooter, AlertDialogCancel, AlertDialogAction } from 'filigran-ui'

  <div className={tw(`flex gap-2`)}>
      <AlertDialogTrigger asChild>
        <Button variant="outline">Show Dialog</Button>
          <AlertDialogTitle>Are you absolutely sure?</AlertDialogTitle>
            This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete your
            account and remove your data from our servers.