Button example
Displays a button.
How to use this button
Name | Type | Default | Description |
variant | enum ("default" | "secondary" | "destructive" | "outline" | "ghost" | "link") | default | This attribute defines the visual style of the button. Here are the different variants and their characteristics |
size | enum ("default" | "sm" | "lg" | "icon") | default | This attribute defines the visual style of the button. Here are the different variants and their characteristics |
Variant attribute: This attribute defines the visual style of the button. Here are the different variants and their characteristics:
- default: This is often the most prominent and visually distinct button, typically used for the main action the user should take.
- secondary: This button has a less prominent visual style compared to the primary button, often used for secondary actions or alternative options.
- destructive: This button usually has a red color and conveys a destructive action, like deleting or canceling something. Use it with caution to avoid accidental actions.
- outline: This button has a border around the text instead of a filled background, providing a lighter and less visually dominant element.
- ghost: This button has minimal styling, often with only text and a subtle hover effect, making it appear transparent on the page.
- link: This button resembles a text link, typically underlined and changing color on hover. It's suitable for actions that navigate to another page or trigger an external link.
Import from filigran-ui :
Import {Button} from 'filigran-ui'
<div className={tw(`flex gap-2`)}> <Button> Primary/Default </Button> <Button variant="secondary"> Secondary </Button> <Button variant="destructive"> Destructive </Button> <Button variant="outline"> Outline </Button> <Button variant="ghost"> Ghost </Button> <Button variant="link"> Link </Button> </div>