Datatable Example
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{}How to use this separator
Name | Type | Default | Description |
data | MyCustomType[] | - | The data displayed in the tab. |
columns | <ColumnDef<MyCustomType>[]> | - | The name of the colomns, how to get it, actions on column... |
isLoading | boolean | - | Displays a skeleton on rows while loading. |
tableOptions | {onRowSelectionChange, getSortedRowModel, getPaginationRowModel, onPaginationChange, enableRowSelection, onColumnOrderChange } | - | Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. |
tableState | {columnVisibility, columnOrder: string[], columnPinning:{left: string[], right: string[] }, rowPinning{bottom: string[], top: string[] }, columnFilters: {id: string, value: unknown }[], globalFilter: any, sorting: {desc: boolean, id: string }[], expanded:?, grouping: string[], columnSizing:?, columnSizingInfo: { columnSizingStart: [string, number][], deltaOffset: null | number,deltaPercentage: null | number,isResizingColumn: false | string, startOffset: null | number, startSize: null | number } } | - | Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. |
onClickRow | (row: Row<TData>) => void | - | Action function triggered when the user clicks on a row. |
onResetTable | () => void | - | Reset localStorage used for preferences (order table, number of rows...). |
toolbar | ReactNode | - | Put anything in this toolbar : button, text, select... |
Import from filigran-ui :
Import {Separator} from 'filigran-ui'
Everything possible for declaring columns :
const columns = useMemo<ColumnDef<Person>[]>( () => [ { id: 'select', size: 20, header: ({table}) => ( <Checkbox className="flex" checked={ table.getIsAllPageRowsSelected() || (table.getIsSomePageRowsSelected() && 'indeterminate') } onCheckedChange={(value) => table.toggleAllPageRowsSelected(!!value) } aria-label="Select all" /> ), cell: ({row}) => ( <Checkbox className="flex" checked={row.getIsSelected()} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onCheckedChange={(value) => { row.toggleSelected(!!value) }} aria-label="Select row" /> ), enableSorting: false, enableHiding: false, enableResizing: false }, { id: 'firstName', accessorKey: 'firstName', enableHiding: true, enableSorting: false, cell: (info) => ( <HighlightSearchTerm text={info.getValue() as string} /> ), header: 'First name' }, { accessorFn: (row) => row.lastName, id: 'lastName', enableHiding: false, cell: (info) => ( <HighlightSearchTerm text={info.getValue() as string} /> ), header: (header) => ( <DataTableOptionsHeader column={header.column} title={'Last name'} menuItems={ <> <DropdownMenuItem onClick={() => console.log(header.column)}> Log column </DropdownMenuItem> <DropdownMenuItem onClick={() => console.log(header.column)}> Log column 2 </DropdownMenuItem> </> } /> ) }, { id: 'age', accessorKey: 'age', header: 'Age' }], [])
<DataTable data={data} columns={columns} isLoading={loading} i18nKey={isCheckedI18n ? frenchI18nKey : {}} tableOptions={{ onRowSelectionChange: setRowSelection, getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel(), getPaginationRowModel: getPaginationRowModel(), onPaginationChange: setPagination, enableRowSelection: (row) => row.original.age > 18, //only enable row selection for adults onColumnOrderChange: setColumnOrder }} tableState={{ rowSelection, pagination, columnOrder, columnPinning: { left: ['select'] } //Force left column on the left, can not be pinned. }} onClickRow={(row) => console.log(row)} // Action on click />